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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Home Grown Vegetables
Being a vegetarian my diet consists mostly of earth grown foods and with the price of veggies rising and becoming over inflated my girlfriend approached me and told me that she was going to begin growing her own vegetables both to save a few dollars and to get a better quality product. I was interested though my motivation was solely saving money. I found myself dreading working in her indoor garden but I was surprised at how much fun I was having.
Perhaps it was because I was spending more time with her and perhaps it was because I was learning something new but I began looking forward to the three days a week that I was spending in the greenhouse. As I began to get a hold on gardening and working with different types of soils and plants, I was surprised to find there was so much more to it than simply throwing seeds into the ground and watering things.
Several of her grow lights went out within my first couple of visits. I didn’t think these lights were important but my assumption was quickly refuted by my girlfriend when she explained that these types of lights are designed specifically to help plants grow. I actually spent one day of my first week hunting down specific types of commercial lighting for the greenhouse. The lights she wanted were fairly expensive but we went halves on the cost as I felt as though we were becoming partners in gardening.
Once the new lights were installed we got back to the ground work. Three weeks later I was pleased to see the bell peppers I planted on my own begin to sprout. It was at that point that I admitted to both myself and my girlfriend that I was enjoying doing garden work. Not long after that the rest of our first batch of vegetables sprouted and some even ripened and were ready to be eaten.
I’ll say this about growing your own food. It’s hard work and it takes time to grow these things however the flavor and even the size of the vegetables far outclass anything you find in the store. In addition to this, home grown vegetables contain no unnatural preservatives and go into your kitchen fresh; no weeks of shipping are involved. This experience leads me to believe that I will never buy vegetables from any store again.
For those of you who have never eaten anything homegrown, you need to at least once. Once you decide to go this route you’re in for a treat and I can guarantee that you too will begin growing your own vegetables. Before I became a vegetarian I had eaten a steak that came from a cow raised by my friend. This was much like vegetables in that the homegrown food was far better than any store bought product. Though it takes care and effort to grow your own food, the work is worth it. Your body and your bank account will thank you for it!
Looking For A New Home
I was and continue to be adamant about getting some sort of tech-recreational room. When I’m not working and I’m not with my wife there’s nothing I enjoy more than a rousing video game, television, or good movie. Though we enjoy most of the same things, she doesn’t always want to partake in the same things I do. As hard as I have worked for the new home, I figured that a “man” room was in order.
My wife posed no opposition to such a room or requirement though she did present her own. Originally she has wanted a swimming pool but has recently decided that she’s like the home to have something that will allow her to tend to an indoor garden complete with grow lights and ready to plant soil. She has always enjoyed growing her own flora and a variety of vegetables as well.
Aside from those two life-size requests we also found ourselves nitpicking things in each of the homes we saw and continue to see. The entire process has quickly become overwhelming. I’m not sure if it’s because of the amount of money we are prepared to spend on this home or if it’s just personal desires but none of the homes we’ve seen feel like they’re “our” home yet. Moving around a lot as a young child I can remember some homes feeling like “home” while others did not. We’re both looking for that certain something again, with our first home.
Some of these houses have great living rooms but no den. Others still have fantastic kitchen and dining areas but the living rooms and/or bedrooms have been to awkward or small. We’ve also seen several homes that don’t have gardening areas and a few that have had no large guest room that I could turn into my private entertainment headquarters. Many of the homes we’ve viewed thus far have all had something we fell in love with but found out rather quickly that we were often dealing with a double edged sword.
House hunting is one of those things in life you think will be easy but in actuality it turns out to be a bewildering experience. Mind you we have yet to become frustrated or overwhelmed, we are simply surprised at just how picky we’ve suddenly become. Before we went out viewing homes we thought we knew what we want and where prepared to find the perfect home in a short matter of time. We still look forward to seeing each home on our list but we are both starting to realize that we may have to make some compromises as there is no perfect home out there.
We have taken this advice from our real estate agent and it’s actually improved the experience to some degree but it’s hard to make compromises when you know you’re signing your life away. My wife however is much better at compromising which is also helping to keep my expectations of a new home in reality. For those thinking of or beginning to look for their first home be prepared to find something you don’t like in almost every home you see. You’ll also need to be prepared to have a give and take mentality. Doing so will make the process exciting and keep things positive.
Friday, March 21, 2008
A Sporting Expirience
My father always made sure that we made the most of these days and went all out with food and drink and sometimes would invite my friends and their parents over for festivities as well. In addition to that my father was that guy most of us know or have heard of, you know that guy that holds huge parties for championship games, namely the Super Bowl and the NBA finals. During these events my we pulled out all the stops complete with decorations throughout the home and my father would often have food catered or hire someone to do some serious Barbequing.
I have been more reminiscent and nostalgic of these times I spent with my father because my son is now at an age where he has began to take a interest in sports. In part this may be due to the fact that many of his acquaintances and friends are already football fans but it may also have to do with the fact that I still don’t miss an NFL game, nor do I miss any Lakers games. Of course my father is still with us and while we don’t get to watch every game together anymore we still manage to make time for getting together during the playoff’s and the occasional post game phone call.
It was in fact during this last call I had with my father I informed him that his grandson had taken a liking to sports and that he’d asked for a couple of NFL Jerseys & Apparel for his 12th birthday. “Grandpa” was excited by this news and said he’d like to help out with that request and would also like to begin coming over on Sunday’s again once football season starts up at the end of summer. Both my son and I thought this was a fantastic idea and I’ll admit, made me feel like a boy myself again. It’s almost an overwhelming feeling when I think of how much fun and bonding there will be during the games we will be watching together and I know my son is equally to spend time with both his father and Grandfather at the same time.
Though my son has shown interest in the NFL he’s just begun to ask questions about basketball and I’ve actually recommended that my father purchase an NFL Jersey for my son’s birthday and I’ll take care of the NBA Jerseys & Apparel. This should help push him in the right direction though as a Lakers fan, I can only hope he holds the same allegiances to the teams I route for. Should he end up supporting teams my father and I don’t I know this will be an experience for him that lasts a lifetime.
So no we play the waiting game. Football begins at the end of summer and my father will have retired by that time allowing him more time to spend as he sees fit and I know he’ll be here each weekend. In addition to that I’m not sure who I’m more excited for, my son and the memories this will leave with him or myself for helping to create the same great memories I have, for my son. One thing is certain however. No longer will we be squinting at a 19 inch television from our recliners and the couch. Games in High Definition and Surround Sound will make this all the more enjoyable.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Automation: An Ingrediant of Success
When it first began to make it’s rounds in the business world, IT Automation was extremely expensive to have implemented and the technology was in an obviously unproven state. As time went by and the technology advanced more businesses began to take notice and begin implementing things like Run Book Automation and ITIL automation. These businesses quickly discovered that implementation of such things freed up not just network resources but human resources as well.
Prior to implementation the majority of businesses whom relied on their networks for business were frequently forced to dedicate one or two individuals to a network for the sole purpose of tracking down bugs and then manually create patches for those problems. This naturally consumed payroll and did not allow talented individuals to assist in the creation of new applications, perform alpha and beta testing, and even keep things running smooth for those in the company who used a computer. As it became known that automation would free up these types of resources and allow the network to patch itself this technology really began to garner attention from businesses that may have once been apprehensive about adopting a new technology.
These days the majority of companies be them small or large have implemented some type of automation. Some have begun to use services like ITIL Management while others still have gone to full automation and streamlined their IT staff considerably, saving their company both money and time. In fact those companies who do not plan to automate to even a small degree should take heed and learn from those who’ve already chosen that path. Data Center Automation has become such a powerful tool that those that choose not to automate often find themselves struggling to keep applications online and running properly and generally have no choice but to employ an unnecessarily large IT staff. In many cases these companies have failed and are no more however it’s never to late to begin the automation process.
As with all things once it approaches commodity status and is no longer the new thing prices drop, healthy competition takes root, and there are endless choices both in terms of services and cost for entrepreneurs and IT professionals to consider. Most experts predict that the majority of networks will be completely autonomous by 2016 and while that’s difficult to argue, it may happen much sooner should the technology continue on the road it’s on.
Stratavia to Present at the Pacific Crest Securities Emerging Technology Summit | Reuters
"President and CEO, Thor Culverhouse, to Address the Economics of Automation Software during the Summit's Data Center 3.0 Conference
SAN FRANCISCO--(Business Wire)-- Stratavia(TM), the leading provider of data center automation software, today announced that its president and CEO, Thor Culverhouse, will be presenting at the upcoming Data Center 3.0 Conference that is part of Pacific Crest Securities' Emerging Technology Summit. The event will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA on Friday, February 29th."
Titanium-Jewelry.com Expands Line of Wedding Rings & Men's Wedding Bands
(Modesto, CA) March 13, 2008 – Titanium-Jewelry.com, a leading online retailer of titanium rings, tungsten rings and unique contemporary jewelry designs for men and women, today announced an expansion to their site to include the newest collections from Edward Mirell (EM), renowned designer of titanium jewelry. The newly added lines enhance the wide selection of tungsten rings, tungsten rings and numerous styles of men's wedding rings and wedding bands already offered by Titanium-Jewelry.com.
The newest products to the site feature Edward Mirell's Mediterranean, Tuxedo and Tri Dome Collections, which boast the same quality and style of previous collections but with even more class and unique allure. The titanium used in all Edward Mirell jewelry and accessories is lightweight, completely hypoallergenic, corrosion and scratch resistant and engravable. It does not react to salt water, sunlight, or any body or common chemistry. The Edward Mirell designs are made with Spectore Brand Titanium, the first and only, facility in the world that is singularly focused on the design, development and manufacture of artistically inspired titanium products.
Titanium-Jewelry.com provides customers a variety of options in luxurious yet affordable jewelry designs. Known for carrying the highest quality and most desirable fashions in contemporary jewelry, the online retailer specializes in titanium rings, tungsten rings, and men's wedding bands among other unique jewelry items.
“Within each EM collection, you will find a classic yet contemporary selection of rings, bracelets, cufflinks, necklaces and key ring designs which incorporate the esteemed quality of Spectore Titanium," stated Ron Yates, founder of Titanium-Jewelry.com and owner of Yates & Co Jewelers in Modesto, CA. "We are excited with the newest Edward Mirell Collections and look forward to introducing these exotic and exciting new designs. The stylish mens wedding rings and accessories are new, hip and very exciting - many customers can't wait to see them," Yates concluded.
The titanium rings, men's wedding rings and wedding bands offered at Titanium-Jewelry.com are a perfect blend of style and class, providing quality, affordable designs for those who prefer contemporary jewelry. Featuring a variety of cool, sleek and sophisticated jewelry styles for men and women, Titanium-Jewelry.com has been at the forefront of the titanium and tungsten jewelry market. For more information please visit http://www.titanium-jewelry.com.
About Titanium-Jewelry.com
Titanium-Jewelry.com provides a wide selection of tungsten rings, titanium rings and black titanium jewelry uniquely styled for men and women. Experts in modern mens wedding bands and modern metals jewelry, Titanium-Jewelry.com leads the industry in contemporary jewelry fashions. For more information, please visit www.Titanium-Jewelry.com.
Press Contact
Ron Yates, Founder
Phone: 800-370-2646
Email: ron@titanium-jewelry.com
Two Factor Authentication
Two Factor Authentication - By: Scott Jarvis - Email Article
These days spending time online can be dangerous regardless of whether you’re a private individual checking things out at home or the proprietor of a business. Admittedly there is more potential danger and loss to be had by a business who operates a network that stores client and business sensitive data. If this same company also has employees using the internet and email for any reason this opens the network and your data to even bigger and more damaging threats.
Danger has always lurked just around the corner for those who enjoy spending time online and since the inception of the Internet there have been various companies out to prove that they provide the very best in online security both for businesses as well as for the private sector. As someone who’s been using the Internet for the better part of fifteen years I can tell you that there are very good, middle of the road and very bad security programs available through different vendors.
The one portion of online security I find disconcerting however is the oversight many of the larger publishers have when dealing with the common computer user. The typical computer owner knows how to do little more than open a browser and peruse a few favorite websites. With the majority of people falling into this category I often wonder why security programs are continually churned out that are overly difficult to use, have poor interfaces, or require extensive computer knowledge to use. Businesses really aren’t affected by this however as they hire knowledgeable professionals who come to work already educated about such things.Having spent the last couple of weeks researching online security programs I came across Two Factor Authentication which in layman’s terms ups your online security and protects valuable and private data by using a digital fingerprinting system to determine what is and isn’t safe and/or legitimate for you and any business who might use such security. This type of security can keep those individuals interested in practicing unscrupulous activities from doing so which in turn keeps valuable information safe.
Interestingly enough a few of the companies I looked into offered Two Factor Authentication services that required no tokens and required no installation of additional servers. I can see this as a big selling point for those businesses who might be interested in keeping their sensitive materials out of hands that might do harm, such as a man-in-the-middle looking to pull off phishing attacks. I was further surprised to find that some companies offer this type of security making use of retinal scans though I found these to be much more expensive than those utilizing fingerprints and the like.So just how much security do you need? That’s actually a matter of how big your business is and how many people have access to the data and equipment you want protected. Should everyone with access actually have those privileges or do they have access simply because you don’t have the time to implement these types of security features? There’s no price you can put on security and peace of mind so those of you who may not have yet to look into Two Factor Authentication security should do so.
Scott is an avid tech enthusiast who has recently become aware of the importance of Two Factor Authentication.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com
Word Count: 547
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Titanium Rings: A New Choice
Titanium rings have really taken the world of wedding bands by storm over the last few years due in part to being budget friendly though the majority of men enjoy these rings simply because they don’t look like other rings. Gold, Sliver, and Diamond rings made for men tend to all look similar and possess similar designs all of which look old fashioned to many men. Other men have also claimed that most men’s wedding bands fall short of looking masculine which has also helped titanium rings become so popular.
Most men are overly and pleasantly surprised at just how original many of the designs are when viewing titanium rings for the first time. Not only do wedding bands made of titanium come in different colors but one may find rings that boast multiple colors on a single ring. In addition to this the majority of titanium rings have creative patterns or markings etched onto the ring, adding a bit of je ne c'est quoi to the band that will often prompt others to ask “what type of ring is that you’re wearing.”
As previously mentioned, titanium rings also carry a much friendlier price tag than do those of a more contemporary or traditional nature. Young couples, especially grooms who have find themselves with a small and strict wedding budget may want to consider looking at titanium as an alternative to other metals as this is a fantastic way to save a few dollars. Almost every major jewelry chain and private vendor offers titanium wedding bands so finding one that appeals to you should pose no problem.
As previously mentioned there is another excellent unconventional choice one can make when considering wedding bands, that choice being Tungsten. Tungsten rings share a number of similarities with titanium rings, primarily cost and style. Tungsten rings can be found mocking gold and bright silver in color and are equally as stunning in their native somber silver coloring. Wedding bands made of Tungsten also boast many unique designs and can include custom etchings, and stylish rigid designs to create a unique look for those looking for something different.
Regardless of whether your budget be small or large it would be foolish to overlook Tungsten and titanium rings as possible candidates for wedding bands. Many have called titanium the new gold while others have referred to “man’s diamond”. Selecting either one of these metals for your wedding band will open up the doors of choice and options, will save you money, and leave you with a stylish and unconventional looking ring.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Men's Wedding Bands: The Titanium Age
As the pendulum swings both ways, and as doors open and close, opinions have changed dramatically in the past few years regarding men’s wedding bands. I believe this change can be attributed mainly to the new, classier selection of wedding bands available and even to the more affordable choices being offered.
Leading the charge in this change of opinions are Titanium wedding rings. Though they are available for both brides and grooms Titanium rings are immensely popular with men for two big reasons, price and stylish presentation. Titanium wedding bands boast a unique look that men wont find in the more traditional gold, silver, and even diamond rings. In addition to that the cost of these types of rings allows those who are budget conscience to dedicate a little extra to the wedding as prices are generally much more affordable when compared to more traditional rings.
Another popular choice for alternative men’s wedding bands is Tungsten. Tungsten offers up many of the same things Titanium does in terms of affordability, attractiveness and boast many different designs that aren’t found in traditional rings. These newer metals have allowed many men who would have never considered wearing a wedding band to be comfortable with a stylish ring. Other men who may have just not cared much for sliver, gold, and diamond now have several alternatives that come not just in different colors but styles that can be considered more “manly”.
So which ring did I settle on? Well initially I was unimpressed with all of the rings my then fiancée and I viewed and as I was not the type of male to wear any type of jewelry I tried to convince her to allow me to remain ring free. She is a more traditional type of person than I, and I was talked into taking a look at some alternative choices for mens wedding bands. I saw Tungsten and Titanium and ended up going with the latter as I found a solid black Titanium ring that fit both my personal style of dress and sense of humor perfectly.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Mens Wedding Bands - How to Pick a Keeper

Selecting a mens wedding band follows the same line of thinking implemented when selecting a suitable partner for marriage. When casually dating, you can try on different personalities, character traits, likes and dislikes with little to no harm inflicted on either party. But when you are looking for marriage, certain elements need to heed more attention than others. Goals, values and morals are as important as ambition, responsibility and accountability. Picking the right man to build and share a life with is the foundation for a wonderful relationship. Once you've found the man that completes you, picking a ring that completes him should be as important to you as finding the perfect wedding dress.
When you are in the market for a mens wedding band, you must consider his style, his build, and more importantly, the demeanor in which he portrays himself. First you'll want to assess his build. Does he have a large frame, medium or small build? If he's tall and fairly broad, a substantial ring with a wider, heavier band such as a tungsten carbide ring in the 7-10mm range would be ideal. A more slender man or one who is of short to medium height, would be better suited in a slimmer band, like a 3-6mm width.
Once you know the right width, you can then narrow your choices down further by identifying the type of mens wedding band that best suits his personality. If he is a sophisticated man that values quality and has the best TV, car, sunglasses and clothes, then selecting a wedding ring that caters to his desire for the best is top of list. You will most certainly want to look at wedding bands that are substantial in weight, keep a lustrous shine and possibly even embellished with diamonds or other gemstones. Tungsten rings are quite popular among this group, as they feel and appear luxurious and with the nearly indestructible quality they are known for. Mens wedding bands made from tungsten carbide will certainly exude confidence, class and most importantly, quality. If on the other hand your guy is lighthearted, values a sense of humor, carefree and spontaneous a lightweight titanium ring may be more suitable for him. Titanium rings are ultra light yet incredibly strong. They can be simple in design or carry a creative and stylish flare.
Style can also be determined by his noting his preference of metal. There are many popular metals that range in price, durability and appearance. Platinum rings are quite expensive and often times selected purely for the assumed prestige. On the other hand, a man who values quality over prestige may be more pleased with a tungsten ring. Far less expensive than platinum rings, tungsten weddings bands portray that same luster and shine as platinum, but have far more resilience to damage and destruction. They are a bit heavier as well, which is ideal for a man who likes a solid weight. Titanium rings are nearly as durable as tungsten rings but are significantly lighter in weight, hypoallergenic and offer a lighter grey color, or they can be shined to an almost reflective tone.
Another popular choice involves enhancing metals with other metals or gemstones. Titanium can be combined with white gold, yellow gold or platinum to create a more elaborate look. Diamonds, sapphires and other gemstones can add a unique touch for the refined gentleman.
Knowing your man, his likes, favorite pastimes and even the kind of friends he has can make shopping for a mens wedding band more productive and enjoyable. Taking into consideration what he does, both for business and pleasure can pinpoint a ring style that blends well with his lifestyle.
As a personal shopper, Sam Brown monitors fine jewelry trends, with an emphasis on mens wedding bands, titanium rings and tungsten rings.