
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Unique, Ornate Engagement Rings

Tis the season for weddings! By now I'm sure all of your refrigerators are full of save the date and wedding invitations. I know most guys, well the guys I know, think going to a wedding is a waste of a weekend but I can't wait to go! I love seeing the bridal party and the dress the bride chooses.

Of course, all the girls are dying to see the brides engagement and wedding band. I know that is one of the first things I like to see. I recently went to a Spring wedding and noticed the bride was wearing a unique ring with a pearl in it. I had never seen that type of ring before and loved it! I want one unique and different like her. I found out that her and her fiance, at the time, customized their engagement rings together. What a neat idea! I suggest this and talk about it to all of my friends that are soon to be married. I think it is a fun, unique and memorable idea.

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